Case Stories

A personal security firm required twenty cameras installed at a client’s estate within three days due to death threats. The estate was comprised of seven primary buildings, which created a number of wifi challenges. Additionally, all exterior cables had to be secure from possible sabotage.

After consultation with our client, we devised secure, interior cabling throughout the facilities which dead-headed into a secure, primary control and monitoring station for onsite personnel. Further, we provided the client with his own bank of TVs, which allowed him to access any camera at any time of the day or night. Lastly, we provided monitoring solutions onsite and with a third party.

We accomplished every one of the client’s requirements, and more, all within his three day time limit.

A national Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) contracted Site Safe Security to remove old access control systems, and to install a new, upgraded solution. While this type of business is routine for us, they also requested that we help them solve an installation problem. The existing equipment was connected to a bollard that didn’t cleanly fit. The equipment protruded from the bollard contour, potentially creating an opportunity for one of their customers to hit the keypad or for weather damage.

Site Safe Security fabricates custom gates, so we designed a solution that included a custom steel plate which allowed the new equipment to fit flush, mount cleanly on the existing bollards, and alleviate the potential problems. In the long run, our solution saved the REIT money and eliminated future liabilities.

Natural disasters are a constant challenge for self-storage facilities and apartment complexes operating in the Gulf Coast. Lightning strikes, hurricanes and floods are common.

During these natural disasters, electricity shorts out, and facilities lose power. A fire panel will fail, a camera shorts, a customer hits a gate because they cannot see for the driving rain, or a gate operator will be submerged under water.

In planning for these unavoidable events, Site Safe Security has developed a quick response team of five professional techs that will immediately travel to disaster areas to work with our customers.

You call… we roll… 24/7… anywhere along the Gulf Coast.

A fire panel went down in an apartment clubhouse due to a power surge caused by a lightning strike. In most cases our customers have more than one grounding rod, but there was only one rod at this location. However, the strength of the strike was so exceptional, multiple rods would not have made a difference in this case.

We dispatched a technician immediately. Onsite it was determined that matching the customer’s existing panel was not possible. Because we roll with trucks fully outfitted and supplied, we installed a new fire panel from our stock.

While our panel is typically sufficient, due to other circumstances it was not the best fit for this situation. It did, however, allow us to keep our customer off fire watch until the appropriate panel arrived. This saved our customer thousands of dollars that would have been spent on hiring fire watch personnel.

When the proper panel arrived, we installed it and removed our loaner.


Nationwide Installation
Hillary Allen at hillary@sitesafesecurity.com

Gulf Coast 24/7 Service
You can also reach us toll free at 888-777-7069.